Monday, 1 August 2011

Basement Suite Blues

People have been saying 'wasn't it torture having to come back so soon after moving?' But it's not that bad, really,as long as I don't think about fresh raspberries in the morning, the sound of the river, the smell of the meadow, magnificent thunder storms... and of course Paul and Cassius. I've been back in Victoria for 10 days, living in our basement suite so I can do my Uvic summer teaching gig. The first week was the worst, mainly because I was cramming all those chapters I hadn't got to while packing and moving. But being back in the classroom feels great-- well worth the prep. Right now I'm teaching Family Counselling to the masters students who are in their third and final summer of the program. This week I add Theories in Counselling, with the new cohort just starting. I love it, the students are great. AND I get to spend a little more time with my spiritual study group, which is terrific (I've written about it on my website,

Back home on the farm, Paul is accomplishing tons: he's installed an electric fence around the bee yard, is waging righteous war on the wasps, has met and dined with various neighbours, and bought us a riding mower of our own so we don't have to beg and borrow. I accidently brought both cameras back with me (have mailed one back to him), so he's waiting for it before posting pics and comments here. I think he'll have lots to say.

We've also had two virtual meetings with architect intern Julie from Studio9, and I think the floor plans are pretty much done. Next step is for Paul to run it past the local powers to determine permits etc. One item we're nervous about is potential required changes to the septic system to accomodate additional bathrooms... could be costly if we have to relocate the whole thing. Will keep you posted.

In addition to my pedagogical duties, I've been busy here fixing up the basement suite at 2123 Chambers. I've done some 'deep' cleaning and painted the bedroom. It was previously dark green, so hopefully this soft yellow will be an improvement during those rainy glum Victoria winter days.

I've also weeded and tidied the back yard, and will do the same in front. The lavender and rosemary need pruning, and I'll try to find a place to hang and dry the cuttings to bring home for the winter. I'm used to being able to run outside and pick fresh herbs for cooking all year 'round here, but we'll have to make do with fresh dried until I get things set up at the farm. I'm thinking pots on the new deck that can be trundled into one of the workshop rooms for the winter...

Here's a shot of some roses I picked from the bush out front, with mint drying on the window sill.      
The upstairs tenants are really nice, and I've rented the basement suite to a lovely young couple for the end of August. The Master Plan is proceeding very well indeed, heh heh. But can Paul and Jo-Anne continue to confound the Twin Gods of Crisis and Disaster in their epic journey toward unbridled, unabashed Pastoral Bliss?? Stay tuned...
PS: Have you ever noticed in 19th century writing that certain words are Capitalized by the author for Emphasis? I like it, I think it will become my Style.


  1. Well, Jo-Anne, let me welcome you and Paul to Ootischenia. I am your neighbor, just behind Patsy's. I met you briefly at her place. I know you are going to really love it here. Ed and I knew it was a special place when we first walked on our land just over 18 years ago.
    Love and Blessings, Marian Craft

  2. Of course I remember you Marian-- thank you so much. It is a special place, isn't it? We're looking forward to getting to know you all. Peace to you,
