Saturday, 15 October 2011

Dear Universe...

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you, Dear Universe, for the recent lessons on the requirement for clear, precise wording in the practice of Spiritual Manisfestation. I now understand that when I said (in response to frustration at the slowness of the renovation process) "I want to see the house crawling with carpenters," I should have specified human carpenters, not carpenter ants. I'm glad we cleared that up. Only one visit from the exterminator and his fumigation equipment was required.

I might take this opportunity to further clarify that when I envisioned Glory-ous Mornings, I did not mean the herbaceous variety; you can stop with the ruddy bindweed any time now, thanks. And when I requested prolific, easily accessed sources of manure for the garden, I hadn't quite seen myself trucking about the place every morning with a wheel barrow, scooping bear turds. Really. One would think You might actually be having a little har-dee-har at us mortals' expense. 

Thank you for the two (not one, two) clawfoots tubs, perfect condition and refinished, hardware included, for an outrageously inexpensive price. As Supreme Feminine Ruler, you know how much a girl appreciates a good, old-fashioned soak. And for getting Paul safely back from fetching the last one from the coast, with no trailer-drama this time.

Let's see... we still need to find affordable flooring for the upstairs hallway. And a good-sized chunk of marble for the kitchen island. Range hood, perhaps with decorative tin finish? Concrete pad, 8' X 20' for the greenhouse. Which I don't know how in heaven's name (oops, Your name) we're going to move.

Otherwise I think we're good. Oh yes, the children are always in need of financial help, but you know that's a standing order.

Thank you for Paul, most of all.

And say hello to Santa Claus for me.


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