So right now, Paul is upstairs in the attic doing lord knows what... from the noise coming from there, it sounds like he's doing dental work on a giant using a very large drill. I think he's actually trying to take apart and extract a very large truss that held up the chimney that is no longer there. I don't know why this makes me think of dental work.
But speaking of fairy tale and other-worldly beings in the house, I wanted to share with you a bit of a strange feeling I've had here, right from day one. Part of the strangeness is that I never feel it when I'm in the house, only when I'm outside. It usually happens when I'm working in the yard and no one else is around. I get the feeling I'm being watched from an upstairs window, but of course when I glance up, there's nothing there. The feeling is a mix of dread at the chance of actually seeing something-- and then what would I do?-- and disappointment. What am I expecting? Well, actually, I find myself thinking of a young blond girl, maybe nine years old or so, dressed in a cotton blouse and holding a doll. Or a young woman in a kerchief, who would draw quickly away from the window if I saw her. These last weeks of carving out the vegetable garden, I've found myself wondering if they would approve of what I'm doing with 'their' space. I get a similar feeling when I'm working on old rescue quilt tops I've bought on ebay... as I add border, quilting, and backing, I feel that I'm collaborating with a ghost. I am keenly aware of her fingers having worked the fabric, and I wonder what she thinks of my choice of (sometimes outrageously colourful) fabric to finish the project she started.
Speaking of projects, here is an update on the house: The back end (dining room and kitchen) is almost ready to be closed in, although the windows won't be ready for a few weeks yet. A concrete footing has been poured to support the single post that will support the huge new beam that will allow us to remove the (formerly pink) wall that divided up the river end of the house so the view was blocked. Whew. Also, a hole has been cut (mostly) in the ceiling of the main floor, or floor of the second floor, depending on where you're standing, to make room for the new staircase. Behold the picture: I'm standing in the second floor hallway, looking down at where the stairs will be.
Electrician Bill has also made a few visits, and begun deconstructing the elaborate puzzle that is the wiring in this house. And the gasline has been laid, which will service our gorgeous new six-burner BlueStar stove. Here's a great pic Paul took the other morning, of the trench for the gasline in the early morning fog:
The trench still needs to be backfilled, and right now it looks like an ugly incision stretching across the property from the road to the house (about 200 yards). Paul assures me it will heal.
As for bears: Paul encountered a large one the other evening, in another pear tree closer to the mobile home where our tenant Patsy lives. It broke a large branch climbing that tree. But the bears (and their droppings) are scarce these days, especially since we removed the pear tree standing right outside the house. We discovered the core of the tree was old and crumbling so we didn't feel too guilty about taking it down. Some of the pear wood went to Ted, a neighbour who is a wood turner (Paul exerts huge effort not to call him Ted Turner; I've actually seen sweat break out on his forehead from the strain) and the rest is cut and stacked for burning.
And so things go along, and we continue to grow in our love for this place. As per usual for me in the fall, I'm feeling more like cooking and baking and continue to miss having all my pots and pans and various culinary paraphernalia around me.
Regardless, Recipe for Workshop Chocolate Cake:
Discover a package of gluten-free chocolate cake mix Paul must have bought while I was in Victoria last summer.
Call Paul and ask him to heave and ho heavy boxes in search of a measuring cup and cake pans.
Discover one plastic measuring cup with barely readable markings in a box with articles I've never seen before, which must have come from the farthest corner of the basement in the Victoria house; it will do nicely.
Discover a box of metal baking pans-- score!
Fail to locate icing sugar, so make do following an online boiled granular sugar recipe. It fails miseraby, becoming quickly unspreadable as it cools and sits in coagulated lumps on the cake. So of course we eat those parts first, sitting on the couch in the workshop, my feet on Paul's lap, and it is delicious.