Saturday, 3 September 2011

Labour Day Weekend, that's for sure!

Hello, faithful readers, I come to you today a slightly sunburned, muscle-fatigued version of my former self. If anyone out there can recommed a #50 sunscreen that doesn't irritate sensitive, delicate facial skin, let me know.

Paul continues to set up our faux-kitchen in the workshop. We actually have the kitchen triangle happening... it's just that the fridge is about 18 feet from the stove, which is about 25 feet from the sink. But hey, who said cooking couldn't be an aerobic workout?

I will admit to becoming ungracefully impatient last night-- I kind of 'lost it' trying to make dinner out of boxes of food and dishes all over the workshop floor... I think Patience is going to be one of the gifts of this place to me. But wait-- Paul's just informed me the cabinets are set up and ready to fill. Halleluja, no more worrying about mice getting into the dry goods. (More on Mice later).

Here are more shots of our living quarters for the next few months:

The view from our 'livingroom'.
My task of the the last two days has been tackling the North Garden, which in the busy-ness of everything we let go not only to weed, but to seed. This is where the green house will be moved to, and where I'll have my compost system built out of wood pallets, so I'll be grassing this in next spring so we can have truck access for all the lovely loads of manure we'll be bringing in. We won't be composting kitchen waste there, though-- it goes into an Earthsaver bin that I brought from Victoria, and locals have said bears won't bother with it as long as there's no meat products thrown in (we never compost meat waste anyway).

Here's a picture of the South Garden.
Doesn't the gazing ball just look positively
radiant with promise? The North Garden will be mainly for veggies, because of it's proximity to the kitchen. My vision for this garden, located roughly at the 'front' of the house, is to plant more raspberries (including the local black raspberry that looks like a small blackberry), herbs, and cutting flowers. It might turn out as a simple maze, we'll see.

Ok, dinner calls: grilled steak and smashed potatoes, kholrabi, and garlic, and greens (all local).

Oh, one last thing-- Cassius has asked me to include his list of accomplishments to date: dozens of field mice, one bird that we know of, and one small fruit bat. Thank you Paul for dealing with the corpses, even in the middle of the night. And to Cassius for revelling in your Catness.

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